📣 ActiGraph Acquires Biofourmis Life Science Business

Gait Measurement in Multiple Sclerosis Using Wearable Sensors | DEAR Grant Profile

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system, in which...

ActiGraph Announces Integration of Mobilise-D Algorithms in CentrePoint Platform

ActiGraph is excited to announce the integration of Mobilise-D algorithms for digital mobility...

Measuring Activity and Gait in Children with DHTs

The increased use of digital health technology (DHT) in clinical research is helping to expand our...

A New Resource to Help Advance Patient-Focused Drug Development with DHTs

The need to transform the clinical trial process to deliver more effective treatments to patients...

Flexible Features in Fit-For-Purpose Wearable Digital Health Technology

Here at ActiGraph, we are a bit obsessed with data and data quality. With the recent launch of our...

Filling the Sleep Health Gap: Advancing Patient-Centric Research with DHTs

We know that sleep quality plays a major role in our health, recognized as a central pillar of...

Medical-Grade or Consumer Wearable? How to Choose

Since the late 1980s, wearable devices have helped researchers collect data on the physical...

Using Wearables to Assess Fall Risk in Older Adults | DEAR Grant Profile

Falls can cause injuries and even deaths among adults age 65 and older, making falls a serious...

Advancing ALS Research with DHTs: Where Are We Now?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating, progressive neuromuscular disease that has...

Evaluating Usability and Incorporating the Patient Experience in DECODE-Nocturnal Scratch

The Digital Endpoint Collaboration to accelerate Outcome DEvelopment (DECODE) Nocturnal Scratch...

Developing a Patient-Centric Measure of Nocturnal Scratch: A Q&A with DiMe

The adoption of wearable Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) to measure outcomes of interest in...

Perspective on the FDA's Final Digital Health Technologies Guidance

Regulatory guidance plays a pivotal role in shaping the ecosystem of clinical research and...