📣 ActiGraph Acquires Biofourmis Life Science Business

Bridging the Knowledge Gap on Digital Clinical Measures: A Technology Partner’s Perspective on ‘The Playbook’

ActiGraph was one of the very first commercial providers of wearable motion-sensing technology,...

More Sensors. More Data. Unparalleled Performance.

Here at ActiGraph, we’re a bit obsessed with data and data quality. Because our CentrePoint®...

Why is Oncology Drug Development Research Late to the Digital Biomarkers Game?

During the recent Annual ASCO Meeting, thousands of cancer researchers and clinicians from across...

Paving the Way for Virtual Trials in Neurology: A Fully Remote ALS Study in 2015

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we think about clinical research and care....

Generating a Novel Measure of Scratch Using Wrist-Worn Wearables

Researchers now have an objective, passive measure to assess itchy conditions and the benefit of...

The Birth of ActiGraphy

During exploratory discussions with potential clients, a question that frequently comes up is...

More Sensors. More Data. Unparalleled Performance.

Here at ActiGraph, we’re a bit obsessed with data and data quality. Because our CentrePoint®...

Infographic: Digital Measures in Oncology Drug Development

Oncology is one of the most active and fastest growing areas of drug development research,...

How Might Temperature Sensor Data Improve Digital Outcomes?

The temperature of the human body is tightly regulated and stays within a narrow range between 36...

Quantifying Sleep in the Real World

ActiGraph recently published a white paper presenting several examples of how wearables have been...

How to Optimize Adherence of Wearables in Your Clinical Research

The most critical factor to the success of any clinical research study is participant adherence to...