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ActiGraph Announces Integration of Mobilise-D Algorithms in CentrePoint Platform

ActiGraph is excited to announce the integration of Mobilise-D algorithms for digital mobility outcomes into our CentrePoint Cloud Platform. Measures of mobility are important functional outcomes, as mobility is a key indicator of health and quality of life in a broad set of indications. This was a driving factor behind the game changing Mobilise-D consortium, which brought together over 300 research partners on a 5-year project (funded through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)) to generate device-agnostic, validated digital mobility measures to advance research in this area. 


Wearable digital health technology (DHT) offers a tool that is accurate, low burden, and can capture real-world measures of mobility. Over the course of the Mobilise-D project, the consortium used wearable DHTs to collect and validate digital mobility outcomes in patients with various conditions and control groups. The consortium has developed and validated measures of mobility for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), hip fracture recovery, and congestive heart failure. Researchers and pharma sponsors can now use these validated tools to detect and measure walking and gait features to improve the health of the patients. 

To encourage broad adoption, the consortium has developed a device-agnostic solution based on benchtop studies of research-grade devices, including ActiGraph devices, and made the validated algorithms open source. 

“When we released the Mobilise-D algorithm, our aim was to stimulate translation of knowledge beyond the boundaries of the consortium.  We are therefore delighted that our algorithms are being implemented by ActiGraph, furthering the goal of bringing precise real-world digital mobility outcomes to the wider community and helping drive a collaborative effort for innovation in clinical research and care,” stated Professor Lynn Rochester, Coordinator of the Mobilise-D consortium and Professor of Human Movement Science at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University. 

We are excited to announce that Mobilise-D solution is now available on ActiGraph’s CentrePoint Cloud Platform and ActiGraph LEAP, equipped with a new lumbar belt accessory.AG_Pictures_Accessories_LEAP_Waistband Our data science team will implement the Mobilise-D algorithms using CentrePoint Designer, a new modular algorithm container system that allows third-party algorithms to be easily configured and quickly deployed in isolation from the rest of the platform, leaving existing studies unaffected.  

This comprehensive solution allows researchers to capture digital mobility outcomes using the most up-to-date and clinically validated Mobilise-D algorithms supported by ActiGraph’s state-of-the-art device hardware and innovative software platform.  


Contact us today to learn more about this new solution. 


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