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Frequently Asked Questions: ActiGraph GT9X Link

As of August 23, 2023, ActiGraph discontinued the sale of new GT9X Link wearable digital health technology (DHT) devices. However, existing GT9X Link customers will continue to have full access to device capabilities for their research purposes.

ActiGraph remains committed to providing service to GT9X Link users and their ongoing studies, including technical support and access to supplemental inventory. Below, we're answering common questions clients may have regarding this technology transition.


How will this affect my ongoing study?

Studies already using GT9X Link devices can continue to do so as normal.


What if I need to order additional devices or accessories?

A supplemental inventory of both devices and device accessories is available for current GT9X Link users.


What should I do if I was planning to use the GT9X Link for an upcoming study?

If you were intending to purchase GT9X Link devices for your research but have not yet done so, please contact your ActiGraph account manager. If you have already purchased the devices but your study has not yet begun, you can continue to use them as intended.


Do current GT9X Link users have to switch to a newer model for future studies?

You are welcome to continue using the GT9X Link throughout the lifetime of your devices. When it's time for you to purchase new wearable DHTs for your research, ActiGraph offers a full lineup of options that we believe can better serve your actigraphy needs.


What alternatives are available for the GT9X Link?

Researchers can accurately and remotely measure study participants' physical activity, sleep, and movement behavior with the wGT3X-BT, the CentrePoint Insight Watch (CPIW), and the ActiGraph LEAP.


Is GT9X Link data collected in an earlier study compatible with data from ActiGraph's other wearable DHTs?

ActiGraph is committed to backward compatibility and has performed extensive testing to ensure a high level of data comparability across device models. The National Institute of Health (NIH) recently presented research that specifically compared data from five different ActiGraph device models: Comparing ActiGraph CentrePoint Insight Watch, GT9X Link, and wGT3X-BT Accelerometers to NHANES 2011-2014 GT3X+ Devices using an orbital shaker.


Is ActiLife software compatible with ActiGraph's other wearable DHTs?

Currently, ActiLife only supports GT9X Link and wGT3X-BT. However, in Q1 2024, ActiLife will be able to retrieve accelerometer data (epoch only initially) from CPIW and ActiGraph LEAP devices as well.


How can I retrieve data from additional sensors on CPIW and ActiGraph LEAP?

In order to take full advantage of the multiple sensors available on CPIW and ActiGraph LEAP devices, data must be collected through the CentrePoint platform. CentrePoint already supports both CPIW and ActiGraph LEAP.


For more information about the GT9X Link, please contact your ActiGraph account manager or visit our Support Center.

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