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ActiGraph No Longer Selling New GT9X Link Wearable Devices

Effective August 23, 2023, new GT9X Link wearable devices will no longer be available for purchase. ActiGraph will continue to provide technical support, including supplemental inventory, for active GT9X Link users.

Originally launched in 2014, the GT9X Link is a multi-sensor wearable device that has been used to collect actigraphy data in clinical research studies across public health and academia. As ActiGraph begins the end-of-life transition of this product, we will continue to offer a full lineup of wearable digital health technologies (DHTs) that allow study teams to remotely and continuously measure participants' physical activity, sleep, and movement behavior.

The GT9X Link has been an integral part of ActiGraph’s journey, providing tremendous value to our customers for nearly a decade. However, with newer, more advanced technology now available, the decision to discontinue the GT9X Link aligns with ActiGraph's commitment to drive innovation and meet the evolving needs of the industry. Through proactive evaluation of our product offerings, we are confident that our customers will be better served by our other wearable devices, the wGT3X-BT, the CentrePoint Insight Watch (CPIW), and the ActiGraph LEAP.


ActiGraph’s plan for the end-of-life transition of the GT9X Link is as follows:

Continued Support: ActiGraph will continue to provide technical support, including supplemental inventory, for active ongoing studies using GT9X Link devices.

Migration Assistance: ActiGraph is committed to facilitating a smooth technology transition for our customers. It is recommended that new studies move forward with ActiGraph’s more advanced wearable DHT options, the ActiGraph LEAP or the CPIW. Backward compatibility has always been a top priority for ActiGraph, so our team has performed extensive testing to ensure a high level of data comparability across device models. 


For customers currently using ActiLife software with the GT9X Link in their studies, ActiGraph is pleased to announce that in Q1, 2024 ActiLife will be able to retrieve accelerometer data (epoch only initially) from ActiGraph LEAP and CPIW devices. 

Researchers planning to use the GT9X Link in an upcoming study are encouraged to contact their designated ActiGraph account manager to discuss personalized solutions that best suit their team’s needs. For further assistance, visit the ActiGraph Support Center.

Moving forward, ActiGraph will continue to deliver innovative solutions to the market as a result of our team’s dedication to research, development, and patient-centricity. Visit our website for more information on current product and service offerings.

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