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Posts about

medical-grade wearables

ActiGraph Chosen to Support Wearable Data Collection for NHANES 2027 Cohort

ActiGraph, the leading provider of wearable digital health solutions, is excited to share that we...

Measuring Critical Health Outcomes Beyond Weight Loss in GLP-1 and Related Obesity Treatments

New weight management medications, such as GLP-1 receptor agonists, have dramatically altered the...

Sleep: A Meaningful Aspect of Health That’s Overlooked in Clinical Trials

Sleep is a complex and multifaceted physiological process. In humans, not only is sleep required...

Gait Measurement in Multiple Sclerosis Using Wearable Sensors | DEAR Grant Profile

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system, in which...

Medical-Grade or Consumer Wearable? How to Choose

Since the late 1980s, wearable devices have helped researchers collect data on the physical...

Using Wearables to Assess Fall Risk in Older Adults | DEAR Grant Profile

Falls can cause injuries and even deaths among adults age 65 and older, making falls a serious...

Researching New Digital Measures in Heart Disease | DEAR Grant Profile

Cardiovascular diseases, according to the World Health Organization, are the leading cause of death...

The Vital Role of Clinical Research Sites in DHT Deployment

Once your team has made the decision to collect digital measures in your clinical trial and...

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Wearable Technology Partner

Wearable, sensor-based digital health technologies (DHTs) can provide clinical researchers with...

Why Prioritizing Patients Changes How Study Teams Approach DHTs

Although technology provides vast opportunities to improve clinical trial efficiency and unlock new...

Validating Wearable Technology for ALS Research | DEAR Grant Profile

The development of new drugs for rare diseases is hampered by the lack of precise and reliable...

Improving Sleep Assessment in Down Syndrome Research | DEAR Grant Profile

Sleep is a crucial aspect of health and quality of life, and disturbed or impaired sleep can be...