
ActiGraph Chosen to Support Wearable Data Collection for NHANES 2027 Cohort

Written by ActiGraph | Feb 26, 2025 7:21:07 PM

ActiGraph, the leading provider of wearable digital health solutions, is excited to share that we have been selected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to support wearable data collection for the upcoming 2027-2030 cohort. Real-world physical activity, sleep, and vital sign measures will be captured using the accelerometer, gyroscope, PPG Green (25hz) and temperature sensors in the medical-grade wearable ActiGraph LEAP®

The aim of NHANES is to measure the health and nutrition of adults and children in the United States to help improve the health of Americans by informing public policy and patient treatment. NHANES cohorts consists of a nationally representative sample of civilian, non-institutionalized individuals of all ages. The goal of the survey is to collect data from 5,000 individuals during survey cycles that last 2 years. 

NHANES uses a multimodal data collection approach that includes an in-home examination, a mobile examination component, and has included wearable accelerometer data in 2 cohorts collected in the years 2003-2006 (using the ActiGraph 7164) and 2011-2014 (using the ActiGraph GT3X).

All NHANES data can be accessed at this link, and wearable data sets and resources are available for download at this link 

As adoption of medical-grade wearable digital health technology (DHT) in clinical research continues to grow, large-scale population studies like NHANES provide access to valuable open-source data sets that can help advance research goals. NHANES provides clinical researchers with a rich and diverse digital data set that otherwise they would not have the means to collect, expanding the analyses we can perform to address key health-related questions.  

For more information about NHANES, associated tools and resources, and a specific case study using NHANES data to evaluate and choose a reliable digital endpoint of physical activity in a specific population of interest, watch our webinar, Accelerating DHT Research and Development with Open-Source Big Data from Population Studies